HRM stands for Human Resource Management. It is an integral part of any organization, which includes the process of managing professionals.
The Human Resource Management of any firm enables the smooth running of the company culture.
Human resources came into the 19th century in Europe.
It was built on an idea by Robert Owen (1771-1858) & Charles Babbage (1791-1871) at the time of the industrial revolution. HRM includes people who create the workplace of the company.
In the world of corporate, the roles and responsibilities of HR are training, admin, recruitment, developing company policies, induction, exit process.
Some of the tasks the HR department do's:
1. Recruiting and Selection Process:
The selection process in HRM is playing a vital aspect. The HR department is familiar with what kind of candidate is required to fill the position of vacant position. Also, HRM guides and helps to train and develop recruits employees.
2. Induction:
Induction is the process of introduction of the job in an organization. Induction involved welcoming the employee to be part of the organization. The purpose of the induction process is to explain roles and responsibilities, company policies, the hierarchy of the company, etc.
3. Traning and Development:
New employee training and development is a program to help particular skills and knowledge to improve employee productivity. Companies have realized the importance of training their employee and started investing in development.
4 Appraisals and other benefits:
Performance appraisal is concerned with periodic evaluation of employee performance. So that managers can analyze & understand their progress and minimize their weaknesses
Compensation includes all the benefits provided in exchange for their job. it can be insurance, health workforce, employee productivity. food, silks and, development, etc.